Business Mediation meeting

Business Mediation

Drawing on Russ’ years of experience in helping businesses we help all parties to get to the crux of the issue(s) in order to help the parties agree on a solution to allow the business to be successful.


  • Shareholders are not getting along

  • Shareholder or Partnership disputes

  • Dispute over the direction of the business

  • Thinking of bringing new parties into the business/ownership and working through the various issues

  • Thinking of exiting parties from the business

  • Experience in many industries including farming, real estate & small to medium sized business

“I would highly recommend Russ for any mediation…

Russ is able to facilitate all voices being heard.  He is able to work with different personalities and difficult scenarios.  He is strong enough to persevere through painful conversations, see the true issues and work towards resolution.  I cannot say enough good about the process Russ implemented with our family.  Fair with all parties but tough enough to tackle the underlying issues that need to be both identified and addressed no matter how difficult this process may prove to be.  Russ is without a doubt in the right profession."


Family Business Mediation meeting

Family Business Mediation

It is hard to separate family and business.  Russ will help by discussing the issues and recommend a plan to have both parties come to an agreement. You want the business to be successful AND you want the family to come together for a meal over the holidays.


  • Family members who are shareholders but not part of the day-to-day business challenge the operations of the business

  • Thinking of bringing family into the business and working through the various issues

  • Shareholders are not getting along.

  • Shareholder or Partnership disputes

  • Dispute over the direction of the business

  • Thinking of exiting parties from the business

  • Experience in many industries including farming, real estate & small to medium sized business

Estate Mediation Meeting

Estate Mediation

Russ can support you through the conflict and issues on setting up an estate or dealing with conflict in the administration of an estate. For example:

  • Family has conflicts and the parents are thinking about cutting one or more of the children from the will

  • Family is looking for some help in splitting the assets in a fair or equitable way

  • Helping the administration of an estate once the party has passed

Coaching services


Russ can offer coaching by helping people see both sides of an issue in order to help them resolve their issue. Russ coaches people as they plan for their future, navigating obstacles and assisting them in making plans for them to reach their goals. For example:

  • A person wants to go to mediation, but the other party does not. We can help coach you through a self help process to communicate with the other party

  • A person is looking for help and feedback as they want to move their businesses along